I am giving you a special haunted ,Mistry ,moral ,and many more if you like it so share it

                                                           success stories

                                                                    NIGHT STORIES

                                                                  AMAZING STORIES

                                                            SCARY, GHOST STORIES    


                                                                     Began our first story


                                                                    ITS A

                                        NAME BHARMS THE BOY

There was a child called Keven living with there parents mother and a father his mother loves dolls

when he had a son his son face look like his doll soo he gives the doll to him they don't there's a spirit in the doll one time Kevin was playing  the doll hypnotize him he obeys by wearing a mask just like a doll 

just like a doll and Keven drawing

was very good doll says to Keven to draw something so he draws this

that he will kill his parents. He was playing hockey with there friend a child come and aren't let them play


when Keven come to stop him he starts

 fighting with Kevin 

so when the doll see it he gets angry so he pushed a ball back to that child so he slipped from that ball 

and fall on the hockey broken flag 

so he died .no body knows how this happens but his mother feels some paranormal activities one night his mother feels something bad she goes to the basement she sees that my son is trying to kill me 

  his mother say stop stop stop plz I beg you stop plz I'm your mother and over there back his father try to kill the doll

he broke the doll into pieces on that time Kevin comes out from his hypnotizing every on things that  its died but noo 

his father says run everybody run but nobody run because every one scare blood start coming out from his face his target is Kevin enemy 

Kevin's father tries to kill the doll again but Keven say stop 

he takes the doll in his hand and shows everyone

that I am hypnotized but he throws the doll in the fire 

every one run because there was a blast over there after some days they start living normal but one night he was alone in his room and he goes to the cupboard and wears that mask again 

his mother was in the kitchen and father in the room when his father comes out he sees Kevin killing his mother and he sees the drawing it was the same 

it was the same he sees that doll and Kevin were sitting together he closes his eye and say it's not real when he opens his eye they weren't over there he says its really not real when he turns back kevin cut his neck

But wait...there's more?

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